Specs on a pageFAVORITE LINKS

Lots of good stuff depending on your mood, interest and how much time you want to kill.

The Guardian Unlimited Smart, wide-ranging film reviews, features, and interviews, from the other side of the pond.
The Onion AV Club For those who think The Onion is only about laughs, be sure to dip into this extensive repository of film and pop culture musings.
Moving Image Source From NYC's Museum of the Moving Image, this is a great new site exploring the more serious side of cinema, showcasing a who's who of writers and critics.
Senses of Cinema Another site for the serious cinephile, this one comes from Australia and offers an eclectic assortment of film studies and academic criticism.
DVD Savant As a Hollywood film editor since the 1970s, Glenn Erickson writes reviews of classic movies with the refreshing historical context of one who's seen it, done it, and keeps coming back for more.
Hollywood Elsewhere Often didactic and intensely superficial, Jeffrey Wells remains straightforward about his biases, offering opinions that are refreshing in their bluntness. Meanwhile, his Greek chorus of readers keep him on his toes.
The Flick Filosopher Though I can disagree with her reviews, there's no denying MaryAnn Johanson's enthusiasm or the quality of her writing. Always fun to read, especially for those inclined toward sci-fi or fantasy.
Cinebeats "Confessions of a cinephile--chronicling one woman's love affair with '60s & '70s cinema."  Awesome site for those (like me) who still can't get enough of that era or its stars.
Some Came Running Former Premiere critic Glenn Kenny's film blog. A guy who definitely knows his stuff and truly loves movies.
Filmbo's Chick Magnet The emphasis here is on news of more obscure foreign art films (think Rivette, Resnais, et al.) as they find release on DVD, along with more general film musings.
J-Two-O Lots of straight talk and topical humor from a woman who isn't afraid to mix football talk with feline grooming tips.
John August Nuts-and-bolts screenwriting blog from the writer of Go, Big Fish, and Charlie's Angels. A go-to spot for most any screenwriting question, from a guy who knows what's what.
Fiction Daily A blog about "writers, writing and why we read," from journalist, fiction writer and NPR-commentator Marion Blackburn. A site with soul--and a dollop of Kerouac.
Dubhsidhe Studios An eclectic mix of art, photos, fiction and personal reflections from Bonnie-Ann Black, a Renaissance woman in more ways than one.
Barbara Blaisdell Great outdoor photographer who also happens to be my mom. Nice site, with some beautiful photos. Buy them!
Ken Rockwell Controversial and blunt-speaking photographer who probably has as many enemies as friends, but his technical knowledge and no-nonsense advice are a real tonic.
Digital Photography
The definitive resource for digital camera reviews. Really, nobody does it better or offers more useful info.
Digital Camera
A close second to dpreview.com (above), with equally comprehensive reviews for people who like to get into the details of digital photography.
Camcorderinfo.com Excellent resource for in-depth reviews of video cameras. They don't update as often as I'd like, but the info they offer is invaluable to anyone looking to buy a camcorder.
Alfa GarciaMix the raspy vocal of Jewel with the melodic storytelling of The Beatles, then shake into the body of a gorgeous Filipina, and you might get Alfa Garcia.
Tranquility Darts The mellow grooves of the lovely Sheila Brown (@MySpace), who offers her own bold take on jazz and electronica. 
Erika Simonian Smart, tough, and soulful singer/songwriter--a kind of Liz Phair or Meredith Brooks who isn't afraid of silence. 
DVDTimes Great review site from the U.K. that covers discs from both Region 1 (North America) and Region 2, for those with multi-region players.
DVDTalk Comprehensive news and review site with an invaluable user discussion forum. Also host to various DVD columnists, including the above-mentioned DVDSavant.
DVDBeaver Wondering how your old DVD of Vertigo compares with the newest rerelease? The Beaver's the place to go, offering indispensable image and feature comparisons of differing releases, with an emphasis on discs from different regions.
Atomic Cinema Extensive catalog of art, cult and erotic films on DVD, along with enthusiastic profiles of cult actresses, directors and some impassioned (though often quite sane) "ramblings" on erotica and nudity. Informative, sexy, and nudity-free.

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